to unlock millions in Commercial Revenue.
a container ship loading at port

Crew Change or Commercial Operations In


Port Mathurin

clock5:04:40 am

Top 1 Nearby Airport

(RRG) plaine corail

airplane flying out

Visa Information

Not available.

Port Restrictions


  • Are there any restrictions on vessels whose previous port call was from COVID -19 high risk countries?
    • By the NOTAM issued on 26th November, any person that has visited South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Eswatini and Lesotho within the last 14 days from the date of arrival in Mauritius, will not be allowed to enter or transit the Republic of Mauritius.
    • All travellers & Vessel who come from or have been in transit in the following countries during the last 15 days will not be allowed to enter the Mauritian territory until further notice
      • o Reunion
      • o South Africa
      • o Brazil
    • Green light is granted to vessels that call at anchorage for bunkering/provisions only on the condition that
      • Crew members do not disembark at anchorage
      • There is no human interaction between crew members and operators during bunkering/loading of provisions
      • Agents, operators and crew members are not allowed to board the bunker barge
      • Prior to starting bunkering operations or provisions loading, harbor radio should contact master of vessel regarding health status of all crew members and inform health authority so that permission from health authority can be granted.
      • Vessels will not be boarded by health authorities.
    • Due...

Flight Restrictions

Agency Costs

  • Crew Change Assistance 1-10: USD 150 per pax
  • Crew Change Assistance 11+: USD 110 per pax
  • Coordination of Booked Services: USD 70
  • Launch Hire Coordination: USD 150
  • Meet & Greet: USD 300

Last updated on 30th Mar 2022

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